Travel Tag

I made this fun little movie for three good reasons. Firstly, because I’m not quite sure how long this cool grown-up boy is willing to go on vacation with his annoying parents, especially with his highly embarrassing mom...

After a quite relaxing week at the Adriatic coast, we were up to a little cultural adventure and spent our second week in one of the most beautiful and iconic places in this world...

This morning I wanted to tease Juliana and said “Enjoy your last week ever of (school) holidays”, but she didn’t thought this was funny. Instead she looked rather terrified, as if the good life was over now...

Every time we do some travel Juliana asks me full of excitement to put a little movie together afterwards. She just loves fun little films...

We are back, and I can’t believe summer already comes to a close. The kids will be back to school tomorrow, and I have to admit that I kind of look forward to my good ol’ routine....

Being an Italian at heart and only functioning and thriving in warmer temperatures, I seemed to never really being attracted to visit Europe’s Northern countries...

I’ll have to admit that my curious nature just couldn’t resist the hype around the world famous seven-star hotel Burj Al Arab...

Abu Dhabi - which is the capital of the United Arab Emirates - is just 130 km away from Dubai and nothing short of spectacular....

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