Eliza has most definitely hit the jackpot with her four boys – or shall I say it’s rather vice versa: the four boys with Eliza? 😉 21 months ago Jonas and David became superproud big brothers of sweet little Johannes who has a little something extra of just about anything. This cute little dude conquered instantly all their hearts.
Eliza and her family already found out during her pregnancy that Johannes has down syndrome. Sometimes I wish we would also have known that before Juliana’s birth, because then we would have had time to learn anything about it, and we probably wouldn’t have been so much scared of the unknown.
Eliza was well prepared to welcome Johannes in the most loving way. The day after he was born they sent out a sweet and well-informing letter to all their friends and family to take their fear away and let them know how happy and thankful they are for this special little baby boy.
Please enjoy a few images and be head over heels in love with this cutie!
Happy Monday, everyone!
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